
Amotherby Community Primary School

Year 6

Below are two weeks of home learning for you to access while you are isolating. Don't forget to add your work to Edmodo so that you can get feedback from the teacher.


Home Learning


The White Rose Hub is a great place for Maths resources. Using the link below, you can access the White Rose Maths Home Learning lessons. To start with please complete the number and place value lessons from week 2. The powerpoint takes you through the lesson.


Please also use Times Table Rockstars.



Literacy work is coming from a Talk for Writing Booklet. Within the booklet are a range of activities based on Treasure! Please work through the activities, some might take you longer that one session and some might take you less.

I have also uploaded some reading comprehension work. Choose either the 1, 2 or 3-star comprehension, if the choice is given, read it and then answer the questions.

You should try to read your school reading book or a home reading book at least once a day.


I have also uploaded some spellings. There is a handwriting task and also a word mat with a list of the spellings on. Please choose between 3 and 7 to learn a week. Read, cover, write, check.


Read the information on the presentation and then complete the labelling activity using the information you have read. Only complete the tasks that have been uploaded for you.

Complete the flap activity.


Using BBC bitesize for information, complete information sheet on WW1 just like the one we did on military animals. You could include information about the role of women during the war, military animals, key inventions and also life in the trenches! Spend 2 sessions on this thinking about your layout of your work and also you use of formal and informal language.



Use your Purple Mash login to complete coding activities. Try some of the Gibbon activities you haven’t already completed. If they are challenging, then try some chimp activities.


Home Learning


Year 6




The White Rose Hub is a great place for Maths resources. Using the link below, you can access the White Rose Maths Home Learning lessons. To start with please complete the number and place value lessons from week 1. The powerpoint takes you through the lesson.

Please also use Times Table Rockstars.



Literacy work is coming from a Talk for Writing Booklet. Within the booklet are a range of activities based on Monsters! Please work through the activities, some might take you longer that one session and some might take you less.

I have also uploaded some reading comprehension work. Choose either the 1, 2 or 3-star comprehension, read it and then answer the questions.



Read the information on Evolution and use what you already know to complete the Bitesize quiz.



We have been exploring WW1. Here is a writing activity to complete using what you have found out so far.

Research using the BBC Bitesize website. They have brilliant information on lots of areas of WW1. Use the website to find out information about Jack Cornwell.



Use you Purple Mash login to complete coding activities. Try some of the Gibbon activities you haven’t already completed. If they are challenging, then try some chimp activities.
