
Amotherby Community Primary School


See what Ofsted said about our school...


Amotherby Community Primary School is a happy and friendly school. Pupils treat members of the school community with courtesy and respect.


The school has a clear vision for an ambitious curriculum.


Early reading is a high priority in school. Staff implement the school’s chosen phonics programme consistently and effectively. Children begin to learn to read as soon as they start in Reception


The school has clear rules about behaviour. These include to ‘be ready, be respectful and be safe’. Pupils understand, and consistently follow, these rules. Pupils value the rewards that they receive in the weekly celebration assembly, such as the ‘above and beyond’ and ‘lead learner’ certificates


There is a strong team in place to ensure that the school continues to improve.

Ofsted Report


See what Ofsted say about our School below.


The last OFSTED inspection was carried out on 19th February 2019.  We are delighted to report that we were recognised as being a GOOD school by OFSTED.


The OFSTED team recognised that:


Since the last OFSTED (Feb' 15) the leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school and maintianed the momentum of improvement.


Teachers are skilled in asking pupils questions to reason their answers.


Teaching is strong, and pupils make rapid progress on developing their reading, writing and mathematics skills.


Writing and phonics is a strength of the school.


Effective teaching of reading.


Pupils are developing strong basic skills and a genuine love of learning.


The Curriculum has been carefully designed so that pupils enjoy a range of exciting activities which inspire them to do well.


Please click the button below to view a copy of the report.
